My best friend Lauren was here visiting for the weekend...we had a great time, ate my favorite--sushi and spaghetti (not together), and played with my dog Calvin. That's her bowling in my friend's crazy jacket at my birthday this year--it was so fun!
But not as fun as big 21 last year...

Yes, my cake was a Reese's peanut butter cup I-Pod cake. It was the best thing ever.
And of course, it will be hard to ever beat taking shots of Patron with the Boss:
On that note...back to the books. Boo.
Woah! Look at this sweet blog. I am so excited that you have joined the bloggosphere and have already begun to rock out the internets. I mean I already know how hard you rock, but now everyone else can be enlightened by the Guardian Angel of Rock 'n Roll as well. I know how much time and effort you have been putting into this site, and I just wanted you to know that it looks great, and it was fun reminiscing about your birthday last year and just recently...its like a national event or something! Anyways, can't wait for the next post...I know you've always got the big scoop.
This is cool!
Another sweet way to keep in touch with my friends and avoid doing real work.
Stay chill y'all (that southern was aimed to Phil),
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