Monday, March 12, 2007

Weekend Wrap-Up

How was everyone's weekend? Good, good. My friend Eliot visited and a rollicking great time was had by all. Here he is, making a deal, perhaps? I like how he is secure enough in his manliness to swill that fruity pink cocktail. Well played, my friend. I know they were delicious. Dan, with the flowing red locks in the background there, also made an appearance this weekend and to my great delight, he is now sporting a porn-star style handlebar moustache (unfortunately I was unable to document it but I'm sure he will, so maybe I can put it up in the future...) Again, well played, my boys.
In other news, I've had the Arcade Fire song,"Neon Bible" stuck in my head pretty much for the past 72 hours and I think I've infected several other people. It's really hypnotic--almost like a trance, and the symbolism is so original(well actually I think it comes from a John Kennedy Toole novel and there was also a movie) and poignant, it's hard to shake. Our culture is dictated by the neon signs of mega stores like Wal-Mart and the glow of computer screens, cell phones, etc. and we're all going to burn!

A vial of hope and a vial of pain,/in the light they both looked the same./Poured them out on into the world/on every boy and every girl./ It's in the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible/Not much chance for survival, if the Neon Bible is right."

We also saw Zodiac and despite it being like 5928340928734092387 hours long, it was pretty interesting and kind of creepy. This is a complaint I have about just about every movie I see--why give an audience what you can accomplish in 1.5 hours in 3? It doesn't take crack-squad of marketing geniuses to figure out that we all have A.D.D...Why else would we sit in front of the TV, texting our friends, while IMing on the computer and skimming our homework? I understand that at $10 a pop, film makers want to make sure the audience is getting what they paid for but, like in most things, being concise is key and also a lot more difficult. Anyway, the main point being, Zodiac, good film, even though it is too long. Excellent acting by Jake Gyllenhaal and Robert Downey Jr. in the very fitting role of mad, drunken crime beat reporter.

Saw The Hold Steady in the Sunday Styles section--there's something to wrap your head around: The bar band, out at the bar, talking about how they still have to work their day jobs (at the bar) when they're not on tour...I don't know why I was surprised considering how the music industry works today, but I was.

Also, Wolf Parade might have new material sometime in the near future, according to Pitchfork. I love this band a lot, though you may not...It's really a love 'em or hate 'em kinda deal because the singers' voices can be kind of abrasive but I just think they're quirky and fun. 3 great songs from Apologies to the Queen Mary (via Subpop):
My Father's Son
Shine a Light
I'll Believe In Anything (Video)

Ok, off to radio class. Big post about the pioneering all black radio station, WDIA is forthcoming so people get ready!

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